Friday, May 30, 2008

Test shots

We did this with the Mr Lanning ( Mark ) . Nathi is the model. Jodie styled it.

Silver Star Casino

The Silver Star Casino job was done with King James and Kassie Niadoo. Mia Zievogel was the photographer , Jodie Ennik styled the shoot and Lampost did casting. Lalla Hirayama ( above ), one of our Lampost people was featured in the campaign ... Saadique and Lesley Whitby did hair and make up. Look out for the billboards and press ads...

Lampost shots for website

These were shot by Warren van Rensburg for our web site.

Street Shot for our web site

This is the opening shot for the Lampost site . It was shot by Warren van Rensburg who has photographed all of our people for the site . Go to to see our fantastic people like Nathi , Luke , Drew , Lalla , Mo and Sibu who are all in this shot... It was a rather precarious shoot. We had lights in the middle of the road and taxi's to deal with but it was fun none the less.. 

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Lampost and Converse

Here is the Converse campaign with Grid . Shot by Warren van Rensburg , styled by Jodie Stinson Ennik , casting by Lampost. Andrew van Rensburg , Nathi , Kobe , Gavin Scott , Lalla Hirayama , Busi Dube , Richard Quan , Tuli , Danny Wotton , Mo , Ben and Johnny were used from Lampost..